Wednesday, January 30, 2008

NEW! Painting of Bob Dylan

....on e-Bay, week of Jan. 30. 24 x 24".

NEW painting on E-Bay, Jan 30

something new, different, "street" on E-Bay; Jan. 30.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Skeleton Dances Nightly

Simple image, more of a "rough" for another painting...... 16 x 20". TITLE: "Skeleton Dances Nightly".

More of the New Jan. 2008

Title: "VILE WORLD LEADER" , 18 x 27" on masonite panel.

NEW stuff Month of Jan. 2008

16 x 20" acrylic on canvas.
Trying out some new stuff in a slightly different direction......more gallery oriented? Both on E-Bay, Month of Jan. 2008.