Tuesday, October 16, 2007

new Sinister Sign........

"Lucifer's Lounge" ,
30 x 36",
on a
Oct. 2007.

...in my studio...

Still life shot from my studio . I have used that same plastic skull as reference about 100 times or more. The black & white photo, is a vintage shot from a 1950's photo session that was used as an artist reference in illustrating a paperback book cover. I do not know who the guy in the photo is, but I've used his face about 100 times as well (usually as "devil" faces!).


Monday, October 15, 2007

Another painting, tattoo sign

22 x 32". up on e-Bay, Oct. 14 2007 . search seller : konga5.

"Street / Graffiti" inspired new paintings...

Some new stuff for e-Bay, Oct. 14, 2007. Search by seller: konga5 and get a bargain!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

new artwork on e-Bay Oct. 2, 2007

22 x 28" . Acrylic paint on a plywood panel.
Title: "Octo-Deity". 2007.