KING MISSILE to the stars and a Lesson to Artists

In 1994 or so, my friend Chris Xefos from King Missle convinced the band that I should do the album cover art for their next CD on Geffen Record$!
They had to choose between several paintings--and chose the one I probably liked the least (for technical reasons and temperamental artist reasons) . Anyway, I was truly grateful , designed their tour stage set, and saw my painting everywhere! Time Magazine did a fluff-piece on CD cover art, and somehow mine was chosen to be pictured along with the other examples! (Third CD down from the right hand side). Moreover, it was nice to see my artwork in one of those "12 CD's for a Dollar" advertisements! I did other CD covers after that, but none had the same impact or magnitude. EMERGING ARTIST LESSON # 3. There will be huge build-ups and plummeting let-downs! My next big CD cover break that did not happen was Veruca Salt's second CD "Eight Arms To Hold You". The art director was looking at my portfolio for this project and I was dropped for another concept. The night I got the bad news I pretty upset so I sulked like a pro and had about 5 beers in me. While the TV (M-TV) was on in the background word came through that Madonna had her (first) baby. All I can remember is being completely messed-up with a dagger through my "artistic id" as an endless crawl of telecast e-mails read "....Congratulations're gonna be a great Mom..." on the lower portion of the screen. Possibly one of the worst nights of my life (at the time). So, when you see that Veruca Salt CD in the used bins (and when you see Madonna's first born in the tabloids)--remember my depressing tale (and moreover --the lesson to emerging artists ; DON'T EVER GET YOUR HOPES UP TOO HIGH because they can come down like Humpty Dumpty sitting on top of the Hindenburg!)
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